Our firm is available for legal support throughout the claims process and can offer invaluable assistance in all of your interactions with the Social Security Administration. We accept clients even before their applications are filed. We can help you complete applications and other forms and collect medical records or other necessary documentation. Your attorney will help appeal your claim if you are denied benefits and will ensure that all requirements and deadlines are met. If you must appear before a Social Security Administrative Law Judge in a hearing to determine your eligibility for disability, your attorney will prepare you for the hearing and present your case before the judge.
If Your Claim for Social Security Disability Was Denied, Don't Give Up!
Our lawyers can aid in your appeal if you have been denied benefits. Please contact us for a free consultation designed to provide useful information on disability laws, your rights and the ways in which our Social Security lawyers can significantly improve your chances of obtaining benefits.
We only charge a fee when we get results and you get paid.
Receiving a denial of benefits is extremely frustrating. However, we encourage you not to give up. If you recently received a denial of benefits letter, we can help you refile your claim within the appropriate deadline and with the necessary paperwork. Many times, an appeal is due within 30 days of your receipt of the denial letter, so do not delay in contacting us as quickly as possible.
Our firm is available for legal support throughout the claims process and can offer invaluable assistance in all of your interactions with the Social Security Administration.